Monday, November 5, 2018

DARK SIDE OF THE WOMB : This is my story and cautionary tale on cervical health

Ladies, please read my first article for my Medium column  -

DARK SIDE OF THE WOMB : This is my story and cautionary tale on cervical health -

Artwork by Chris Nicholls (@softgeocreative)
"I felt fragile and strangely a failure. Society places so much emphasis on the female and her organs and ability to function both sexually and as a baby incubator. And I was waiting on a precipice to discover if what felt so much about me as “woman” and being a woman was defective."
"My poor cervix looked like a war zone and the abnormalities were large and I was slightly in shock. She explained she would send the samples off to the lab to confirm they were pre-cancer. I left the hospital dazed and feeling more vulnerable and emotional than I had ever felt."