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Photo © @jwny |
Whilst some people may be mistaken for thinking that Prayers is just one guy, it isn't. It is undeniably a collaborative partnership between yourself and Dave Parley that feels almost necessary like blood. Limb and limb. How would you describe the dynamic between yourself and Dave and what brought you together?
Destiny brought us together. For he is my spirit brother and our connection is felt by those who listen to the music we are creating. We see what we love about ourselves in each other. We are helping each other achieve immortality. For when our bodies are no longer of any use to us the Magick in our Musick will continue to live on.
Prayers brings together different music genres and styles and uses them in a way that is truly unique. One term that continually pops up when discussing Prayers is "Cholo Goth". For those who aren't familiar with it, what does Cholo Goth mean?
Chologoth is an eclipse, it's the merger of two heavenly bodies. Imagine heaven and hell coming together to create earth. Simply put, I'm a Chicano gang member who grew up listening to goth musick. I am chologoth.
Gang culture and goth culture collide in your music and its suffice to say that the same can be said for your fan base. Your music and the imagery along with it, speak to different subcultures and there's no doubt that you have a diverse fan base because of it. Something I really love about the band is the inclusive idea of family and individuality. How important is that ethos to you personally? And how do you deal with being different in a music scene that is often so rigid?
I've always been different yet true to myself and to others there for I'm respected. I'm aware that it's human nature to hate or judge what they don't understand. But that's of no concern to me. My love is so unconditional that I'm not affected by opinions or human emotions. I came here to experience the experience and in the process of doing so we give hope to those we call family.
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Photo © @jwny |
Growing up in gang culture and hip hop culture you stood out by identifying as a goth. How difficult was it being the "black sheep" growing up and how do you deal with the shit members of the gang culture give you?
It was very difficult yet I found purpose in it. My forbidden fruit, my secret lover. It was worth every ass kicking that I endured. Gang culture taught me to fight fire with fire and that's what I did. As you can see I won the fight.
Something that first really struck me about was your unshakable acceptance and confidence with your sexuality and what is masculine or feminine. Whether it be putting on lipstick or nail polish or posting nudes. In a scene that is often filled with male ego its refreshing to see a strong male who's not afraid to also be feminine. Why is this important to you and why do you think some men, even women struggle to accept it?
It's not their fault society and religion has poisoned their minds. They are afraid of real freedom. They are slaves who live in fear of self liberation. Only through vulnerability can we empower them. Someone has to be the sacrificial lamb... To experience a fulfilling life both genders must embrace it's counterpart. Repressing what nature has given us is arrogant and shameful. My lovers cherish and yearn for my touch why? Because I've embraced my feminine side. I've had many lovers and the women who have connected with their masculine side, have been the most passionate and exciting to be with.
"Embracing your genders counterpart will make you a better human being and lover"
Aesthetics and imagery form a large part of Prayers as well, particularly Goth Culture. When did your love of goth culture start and who are some of your personal goth icons and influences?
My love for goth culture started when I was in the 6th grade. I was intrigued and in love with it from our first encounter. My influences are Rozz Williams, Rikk Agnew, Stiv Bators, Peter Murphy, Ian Curtis, Darby Crash, Brian Eno and Prince.
You and Dave are knocking down barriers and knocking down stereotypes about race, ethnicity and gender. I read somewhere that you have even met rival gang members at shows and been met with nothing but positivity. Has touring and seeing so many different types of people from different walks of life and generations stand behind you changed your view on gang culture or your appreciation for those outside the culture?
I love gang culture it's made me who I am. It's taught me many things like respect, loyalty, community, independence and fearlessness. There's bad in everything that's just how nature intended it to be but there's also good. Therefore my perspective hasn't changed, people are easy to understand. They are not complex. Everyone wants to be loved. Everyone wants to feel needed. Everyone wants to be a part of something. Everyone is lost and wants to be found. I'm the voice. I'm their voice, and they've found an identity within me and I within them. Those who know me well will tell you that nothing has changed.
Your latest album 'Young Gods' was made in collaboration with Travis Barker and definitely has a bigger bolder sound. How did you come together with Barker and what was most important to you and Dave when putting this album together?
Travis discovered us. He found us because the streets were talking. Prayers is in everybody's mouth. Keeping our message of finding empowerment through vulnerability was our only concern, and It was easy to do so. Because Travis is one of us. He is the third prayer.
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Photo © Ryan Hodges Photography |
King Dude, who is also behind the brand Actual Pain recently sponsored Prayers on tour. Can you talk a little about your interest in Lucifer and what the ideology and imagery means to you?
King Dude is my blood brother for we have made it so through ritual. We are the sacred. Our light is mistaken for darkness. Lucifer is the first born rejected from heaven because he spoke against his father. He is hurt, he is in pain. For everyone can be forgiven for their sins except him. How is that just? All evil on earth is done by man in the name of God yet he is blamed. All wars are fought in the name of God, Allah, Yahweh. Abrahamic Religions are the ones with the most blood on their hands. Have you ever heard of a war fought in the name of Satan? No you haven't. Remember this for this is the truth he and I share. "As long as a person represents change he well be under attack".
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Photo © Ryan Hodges Photography |
You've referred to yourself before in interviews as a poet. There's no doubt you have a way with words vocally and by hand. Have you thought about releasing writing in the future?
Thank you. I have and I am. When the time presents itself to me then it'll be so.
When the day is done what do you want people to come away from listening to Prayers to know?
Lastly, whats next for Leafar Reyes and Prayers in the next 12 months?
Self-exploration. Awareness of self and others. I'm mostly excited to see how people are going to interact with my success.
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Photo © Ryan Hodges Photography |
Instagram: prayers