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Beautiful and talented are two words that instantly come to mind when I think of 23 year old Charmaine Olivia. The eclectic Charmaine hails from San Francisco, California. Her style & persona are uniquely transferred through her art. I first came across Charmaine when I found her online store on Etsy where she sells her art prints. I was immediately drawn to not only her amazing art style, but to her whimsical style and erethral charisma. Just like her art, Charmaine is captivating, strong and feminine. There's no doubt that Charmaine is truly a fine testament to our Who's that Girl paradigm. Charmaine is lucky enough to spend her day to day life doing what he loves, art. Individuality, passion & hard work make Charmaine an inspiration of beauty & talent and no doubt like her art she to will prove her longevity.
What was growing up like for you?
Lots of yoga, meditation and drawing eyes.
Where do you draw your inspiration from?
fairytales, sci fi & dreams
When did you decide painting was your passion?
in high school when I went to France for the first time. My aunt and I were painting in a sunflower field and I was like "YESSS" , haven't really stopped painting since.
How would you describe your painting style?
kind of realism mixed with surrealism. and bones. and eyes.
keep on keepin' on
Stories of love & lust?
yes please
The best lesson life can teach you?
hard works pays off
Are there any females alive or dead that you admire most?
my girl Frida
What is the best part about being a woman?
the hair
Do you see yourself as a model/muse as well as a woman and painter?
Not until recently. i have been doing a fair amount of modeling / photo shoots lately, which is something I've wanted to do since I was little. I never thought I could be a model cause I'm not tall. at all.
How would you describe your fashion style?
witchy. lots of black and hair
Do you have any style icons?
Stevie Nicks & Mk Olsen
Are you a fashion brands girl or a wear whats comfortable kind of girl?
I don't care about brands. but I'm definitely not always a 'wear whats comfortable' kind of girl either. sometimes tights can be really uncomfortable!
What advise would you like to pass on to your readers and fans?
If you want it bad enough, you can have it. You just have to work for it.
Lurk Charmaine below;
instagram: charmaineolivia