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Photo © Mario Benedetti |
Name: Jack Royle
Age: 24
Location: London (But currently spending time in Plymouth)
Day job (what pays the bills):
Anything really A bit of Labouring work. (but mainly off the books modelling)
What was growing up like for you?
I moved around a lot as a kid, my step-dad was a vicar so I was constantly moving from pillar to post. I was a happy child. Big Imagination.
How did you get into modelling?
I was working in TopMan on Oxford St and a girl that worked there asked me to do a shoot for I <3 Fake magazine. It kinda domino effected from there.
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Photo © Darren Black |
What was the response like from your mates when you started modelling?
They all thought it was hilarious. As did I, when you think model you see an image of grace and beauty. The opposite to myself in my opinion.
When you are not modelling what are you doing?
Writing a lot at the moment. I go through spurts of being really inspired and then nothing. So I'm taking full advantage of my current state of inspiration.
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What's it like seeing yourself all over the Internet and girls gushing all over pictures?
Ha, erm I think it's all a bit silly really. This generation have the perks of instant communication where a picture or text can be instantly seen around the globe. I won't lie. It's nice to have your ego stroked once in a while (who doesn't like that?) But it can get quite lonely when you don't know weather a girl likes you for what you are rather than who you are.
Who is Jack Royle?
I'd say I'm everything and nothing. I'm beautiful, I'm ugly. I'm smart, I''m stupid. I don't know who I am. I know exactly who I am.
What inspires you and who would you say your role models and/or heroes are?
Tom hardy as an actor is really amazing. He has it all. Looks, presence, talent. If I could be like anyone it would be him
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Photo © Jolijn Snijders |
How would you describe your personal style?
Skinhead/Mod. Basically as my dad dressed at my age.
Is there a difference between the public and private Jack?
Yeah I'm privately a quiet thoughtful person. But openly I can be quite confident and loud. I think we all have different personalities.
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Photo © Billie Turnbull |
Is there anything you would be prefer to be doing as a career instead of modelling?
Films have always captured my imagination. I would love to be a writer. But also acting is another field I would love to excel in.
I've heard you are quite the poet. How are some of your favorites and what do you love most about writing?
I think it's when I can be most honest with myself. I don't tend to share how I feel verbally, so writing it down can be really liberating.
What can we expect from you in the future?
I'm going to university hopefully in September so I guess I'll be getting my head down and studying so I an augment my writing talents.
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Photo © David Sessions |
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Photo © Stav Agapiou |
Let's talk about girls. Ladies man, fun loving bachelor or hopeless romantic?
I've been all three. Love is a dangerous thing. I would say I am at my loneliest at the moment. I grew out of one night stands years ago. And I guess I'm looking for the right girl. It's tough though I'm very icky. Don't get me wrong I don''t think I'm anything special. It's just very easy for me to lose interest in a girl.
What do you look for in women and admire most?
A sense of humor. I need someone I can talk to on a level. Basically a best friend I can have amazing sex with.
Girls vs Women?
Women. I gotta thing for the 30-45 age group
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Photo © Nicollas Lupetti |
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Photo © Mario Benedetti |
Do you have any advise for guys who want to get involved in the modelling industry?
Don't bother. It's a fickle business that can fuck with your self confidence. Give you false hope and give you an arrogance that can only be described as monstrous.
Anything you'd like to say to your fans and the readers?
I sincerely hope I have no fans. If you put someone on a pedestal for the way they look all your gonna be is disappointed when you finally meet them. (That's said with love) :)
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Photo © Stephen Burridge |
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