Every year, Matt Collins from Dynamic Tattoo supports the Good Friday Appeal for the Royal Melbourne Children's Hospital and now it's that time of year again!
Matt will be working with the guys at Splash of Colour studio in Ascot Vale for one day only, on Friday April 6th. All of shop's proceeds from the day go directly to the Good Friday Appeal. Grab the opportunity to get tattooed by great artists while you help raise money for a special cause. Matt will be taking bookings and any walk-in appointments the shop can accommodate on the day, so please get in touch with him on mattyctattoo@gmail.com for more information.
Splash of Colour
150 Union Road Ascot Vale ph: 9375 4169 If you can't make it to see Matt on Good Friday but would like to find out more information about the cause you can check out this website. For more of his work, and any other tattoo enquiries: |
Matt's Facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/ mattcollinstattoo
Matt's Blog - http://heartsanddaggers. wordpress.com