Monday, February 13, 2012

Who's that Girl? - Sasha Larina

Age: 24
Ethnicity: 75% russian and 25% buryats roots.
Currently live: Moscow, Russia.
Day job (what pays the bills): Photography.


Sometimes I have photo shoots. Not as often as I used to but enough to stay in good condition as a model.


I want to be  very good in photography. This is my main goal. I work a lot towards that and I hope to achieve my goal.




 I  was studying psychology. But it turned out to not be for me and  so I found myself in photography.

 What was growing up like for you?

 I lived in the country side with my grandma. This is the reason why I love nature. In mid 90`s I lived in small town with my mom. But I was a  self-dependent girl. I started work early. In the end of 90`s I felt that I need more space for self realizatio sp I packed my bags and departed to Moscow, where I live still to this day.

 Do you see yourself as Model?

Now I see myself as a photographer. But my experience as a model defiantely helps me now in my own photography work.

 When did you become involved in modelling and what do you love about it?

First time I was shot as a model I was 17. Haha…it was an awful photo set. I was shy and afraid of being in front of the camera. My face looked silly and bright red!
After a while I was seen by matreshka-girls pro.
I really love to work as a model, I can`t describe why. Maybe I like to be attractive in photos. And I love the experience of seeing how different photographers see me through the lens, I mean every photographer discovers new aspects of me.

 What would you like to do it more in the future?

 I want become very good photographer. I want to have a lot of beautiful models to work with…There are tons of beautiful women in Russia and I needand want to shoot them all!
I would like to travel more and read more. I dont have a lot of time for it and it`s sad. I want a lot…but I need three lives to complete it.

 What do you admire in other women?

Intelligence and Strength.

 Who is Sasha Larina?

A photographer from Russia.

 Where to you draw inspiration from?

Everything inspire me. Nature, architecture, literature, beautiful people, cinema and etc.

 Do you prefer behind the lens or in front?

I prefer to be behind the lens.

 How would you describe your style?

My style is simple - keds, holly jeans, non-dimensional t-shirt… I guess I look like punk more than lady.

 Are you a fashion brands girl or do you just wear what you like or whats comfortable?

I don`t follow fashion trends. I just see clothes that look good on me and buy it. I like comfort clothes.

 Who would you say is your style icon?

Marlen Ditrih for example. She is real lady and gorgeous women.

 Tales of love & lust?

My husband is my lust and long love story.

 What do you look for in the opposite sex? And what are the number 1 deal breakers? 
I think, tall, strong, brutal and manly. Good butt hahaha. A combination of mind and strength.
Also I like long hair and beard. It`s very sexual when man is sing.
And I dislike in opposite sex if he is small or he has women kind behavior. I don't like metrosexuals.

 What is it that you love most about being a woman?

To be a women is good.  I can be weak and strong, can inspirie and be a muse.

 When no one is around what is Sasha usually doing?

When I`m alone, I relax, read, learn and work.

 Is there a public and private Sasha?

I think, right now there is only a private Sasha.

 What's your take on life and what advice would give any of your fans?
Follow your heart, realize your dreams and do what you`re really love. Life is too short.

You can lurk Sasha here: