After seeing photo after photo of Alexis across the interwebz an obsession begun.
Who is this girl?
Ex Fourth-grade teacher Alexis Krauss is known for her sweet voice, casual moaning and dancing around Derek’s electric guitar with the lure of a sexed-up snake charmer in the indie electro outfit Sleigh Bells. "She’s an addictive mix of seven kinds of woman you suddenly wish you were."
24 year old Krauss was having dinner with her mother at Brazilian restaurant Miss Favela in Brooklyn. When their waiter, Derek Miller, mentioned he was looking for a female vocalist for a music project, Krauss' mother volunteered her daughter. Sleigh Bells was formed. Eventually, Spike Jonze stumbled upon their Myspace page (because that's what people like Spike Jonze do), and sent what he heard to his friend M.I.A. The rest is history.
Krauss's sexual snake like prowess is both addicting and captivating. A girl with this much charisma and badass attitude is hard to forget.