Directed by Madeleine N. and Guy Stephens
assistant to the directors: Luke Atkinson
edited by Madeleine N. and Guy Stephens
Fashion editor: Olga Yanul
MUA and effects: Elena Mariotti
Sandra Ceccarelli: Goneril
Isolda Dychauk: Cordelia
Claudio Laconi: Lear
Enrico Firpo: Gloucester/The Fool
Michael Tintiuc: Edgar
Isak Julin: Edmund
Nicole Cadeddu: young Regan
Freya Crobe: young Cordelia
Madeleine N.: Regan
Valentyna Dovhanyuk: Cordelia's first maid
Larisa Goncharova: Cordelia's second maid
Sara N.: young Goneril
Fashion by:
Barbara i Gongini
Titania Inglis
Daphne Descends
Anu Tera
Chris P
Dina Lynnyk
Nadya Dzyak
Valery Kovalska