Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Who's that Girl? | Candace Campbell

Age: 28

Ethnicity: English, Irish, and French

Currently live: Downtown Las Vegas

Day job (what pays the bills): 

I own a salon (Stone Fox) and a vintage shop (Indigo Moon Vintage) in Downtown Las Vegas

Vintage hoarder, metaphysics obsessed

to rule the world ;) I just want to spend my life doing what I love and be with the ones I love

happily taken

Cosmetology, Metaphysics

What was growing up like for you?
I grew up in Louisiana in a small town. I moved to Las Vegas in junior high, a big change from southern life

Do you see yourself as Model?
 I feel more like an artist, Modeling is just one of many parts of who I am and what I do

When did you become involved in modeling and what do you love about it?
I started about 6 years ago. I love being able to collaborate with so many amazing artists. I feel really lucky to be surrounded by such inspiring people

What would you like to do it more in the future?
 I want to travel more. Everywhere!

What do you admire in other women?
Confidence and Strength! Women that work hard and make dreams come true. Women who support each others dreams.

Who is Candace Campbell?
I'm a Business Woman and a Nurturer

Where do you draw inspiration from?
All the amazing women around me! I'm really inspired by music too. mainly dead people.

Are you a fashion brands girl or do you just wear what you like or whats comfortable?
I rarely buy or wear labels. I live in an ocean of label whores in Las Vegas and I just don't get it. I'm all about timeless not trend. I almost always buy vintage. I love weird unique stuff. I just wear what I feel happiest in :)

What are your top 5 fashion staples you cannot live without?
Rompers, boots, big black hats, kimonos, bell bottoms

Favourite places to shop?
Vintage shops mainly. I love sisters of the black moon and black swan theory!

Who would you say is your style icon?
 I feel like I'm always in between Brigitte Bardot and Stevie Nicks

Tales of love & lust?
Haha! Ive had my share. I prefer the quiet, loving life these days :)

What is it that you love most about being a woman?
 Lingerie! I love lingerie!

What do you find sexy?
CONFIDENCE! My biggest turn off is weakness and insecurity. A sense of humor always helps too :)

Is there anything you would change about yourself if you could?
I wish I wasn't so shy! I'm so shy until I get to know you and then you can't get me to shut up! lol

When no one is around what is Candace usually doing?
Working ha! I'm a workaholic and a hermit. I'm trying to be less of both these days

Is there a public and private Candace?
Of course! I'm really selective with the people I let into my happy bubble. When I'm with the people that really know me, I'm a big nerd! Life's too short, I try not to take it too seriously

If you were stuck on a desert island and your only shoe options were crocs or uggs what would you do?
 Haha oh man. Id do Uggs and tell myself they're moccasins haha

What's your take on life and what advice would give any of your fans?
I just try to be the happiest I can be and work hard to make my dreams come true. I hope everyone else is doing the same thing. You move towards what you focus on. All you need is love!

You can lurk more Candace here;