Of course, I forgot to mention this love affair is purely fictional and more or less like a musing fixation. The first time I came across PJ was in between the pages of a magazine. His quirky appearance and elusive persona fueled my desire to find out who he was. I would later see him in the Harmony Korine film 'Ken Park'. Admittedly, I have not to my knowledge seen many of his other acting roles with the exception of a few cameo TV appearances and John Water's film "A Dirty Shame". PJ Ransome or as he is more commonly known, James Ransone, has also had major roles on the TV series The Wire and more recently 'How to Make it in America.'
It's PJ's quirky, cool and underground persona and his offbeat charisma which never fails to hook me in. Irrespective of his main stream celebrity status, PJ still remains an off kilter subterranean in my eyes with tonnes of 'IT' boy clout and a personality I truly believe would exist in the absence or existence of his fame.