1. Who is Steen Jones?
I'm 25 years old cider enthusiast/striving artist from original from Brisbane now residing Melbourne, Australia.
2. How did you get started doing your work?
Living with a Tattooer in Brisbane got me intrigued and interested for sure, but working in a tattoo shop/ the creative industry definitely got the ball rolling. As for the Aerosol, it only really became of interest since moving to Melbourne and more specifically Fitzroy…Our street, block, suburb and surrounding change daily. It is full of the craziest and coolest shit, which makes it near impossible to ignore or lured in. So after a few months of living down here I got curious...
3. How would you describe your work?
Something that I have fun doing and tattoo derived.
4. Favourite art format?
At the minute, right now, Aerosol. I seem to be finding myself out painting more, night after night with decreasingly less sleep. Right now for example, it is 2am and I just got home from working on my latest project and I have to get up in 4 hours. I also have had heaps of fun learning the ropes tattooing, real fun.
5. Art heroes?
Hahaha art heroes. People with their own style I appreciate a great deal, and most people at the top of their game of whatever industry they are in. Reason being they're generally awesome at whatever they doing but, they’ve also stuck at it through the highs and lows and worked hard to get where they are. I respect that.
6. How has your work evolved since you first started?
ten fold
7. What inspires you?
The Internet is a huge one.. I can follow my favourite artists/tattooist from all over the world from my home. The streets of Fitzroy for sure, my girlfriend, friends and music I can relate to plays a big part too.
8. How do you go about finding public walls and spaces to paint your work?
Generally, people approach me while I am painting or via my email, but by saying that I have seeked a couple of them out.
9. Peoples and the public's reaction to your public work?
Really good reaction so far which is cool.
10. What can we see from Steen Jones in the future?
Eventually I want to get back into a tattoo shop and do aerosol work on the side, but for right now I'll just work hard and we will see where that takes me…the doors are opening.